Nos soins médico-esthétiques

Excessive sweating

Sweating is natural and essential phenomenon of the body. In cases of hyperhidrosis, sweating is more important than necessary to regulate the body’s temperature. it is therefore possible to treat regions such as the armpits by injecting therapeutic BOTOX® into the affected area. Hyperhidrosis can greatly compromise the daily lives and quality of life of the affected individuals. It is estimated that 80 000 Canadians suffer from a type of hyperhidrosis. This prescription drug is covered by private insurance and by Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).

  • Treatments offered:  Therapeutic BOTOX® injections.
  • Technology used: Therapeutic ALLERGAN® BOTOX®.
  • Results: This treatment requires one session and results appear 7 to 14 days after the injections and last approximately 6 to 8 months.

Our approach

At Paramedika, our team of professionals is there for its clients’ needs. For us, communication is key. We understand your fears, this is why each of our services is personalized according to your skin type and your needs. We help you feel confident.

Our doctorour doctor

Consults with each client so they can receive the appropriate treatment they need, and prepares the adequate personal care program to suit each patient . The goal is to improve the quality of life and the self-esteem of our customers by personalized care.


Our nursemarie-ève morin-cournoyer

Marie-Ève is our nurse responsible for injections and various other treatments. As an artist through and through, she is driven by her passion to help our customers feel confident.

Équipe Paramedika

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